Friday, August 22, 2008

22nd August, 2008 - Hills go the bandh way

A bandh has been called by the CPRM to mark Betrayal Day. “It was on this day in 1988 that Subash Ghisingh had signed the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council accord which sealed the fate of the demand for a separate state. We have decided to protest against the Betrayal Day through a general strike. The strike has also been called in support of Gorkhaland,” said D.S. Bomzom, the spokesperson for the CPRM. The bandh is also a demand for the speedy trial of Chattrey Subba, who has been accused of masterminding the assassination attempt on Ghisingh in February 2001 and has been lodged in Jalpaiguri District Correctional Home since then.Ghisingh in February 2001 and has been lodged in Jalpaiguri District Correctional Home since then.

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